
Showing posts from 2012

Fabula Est Vestri

Fabula Est Vestri - The Story is Yours. We all have a story, every single one of us has a story to tell. The thing is that s ometimes we get more concerned with knowing what our neighbours stories and sometimes we don't really care as long as we are ok. At times we get  so wrapped up in our own stories that we think no one cares or wants to help us. That we are incapable of help and that no one would really care but how we are feeling. But that's not true. For the past few weeks i've been preparing for the Christmas Season at church. Always a very busy time for anyone that works in a church with Nativity Plays, endless parties to "show up at", plus the added pressure of trying to keep the focus off the man in the big red suit and keeping it on the baby in the manger. It was when I was preparing for one of these services that God clearly spoke this message to me. It was all very strange how it happened, I recently found an old worship DVD I hadn't watched ...

Serving with the right Attitude

I'm involved in some local outreach work in one of the estates near where I live. Lately a lot of people have been asking me why I do it, why do I go along each week to be sworn at, shouted at, ignored and all out not appreciated. One thing I've noticed though is that this attitude isn't solely about this sometimes in our churches we have this attitude of wanting to do "perfect" outreach. Outreach where we go out meet the kids on the streets, bring them into the church and the week after they are great and by our standards perfect christians. The reality is much so different, these kids are living in a world where loving your neighbour has gone out the window. Where it's one for all and everyone against those who don't fit in. Kids are exposed to Alcohol and drugs at younger ages and their sexual awareness from such a young age is shocking. But instead of ignoring it and looking the other way, we as the church need to take a stand against this attitude and...

Planting Seeds that Produce Fruit that Plant Seeds

So I started writing this blog just after I came back from Summer Madness but never actually got round to writing more than the title so here goes. I've been involved in youth work now for about 10 years and over those years I have met some fantastic young people and planted many seeds, some of which I got the pleasure of watching grow and  in turn begin to plant seeds elsewhere and help others to grow just as they had. However up until recently I had always felt guilty about some of the young people in my last church who I had been working with and who were really starting to go places with God and then I left. For me I always felt like I had planted the seed but didn't hang around to help water it and watch it grow. Therefore in some respects letting them and God down. For the past few months this had been eating away at me and I was really feeling bad about walking away and leaving them and felt that I had wasted what God had called me to do with them. Don't get me...

An Encouraging Word from back in the day

So whenever I wrote my last post I really felt I needed to find a word of encouragement I had written for the Youth Blog on our Church Website back in 2008 when I had just started out as their Youth Worker. Any way it took me a few days but I've finally found it. Happy Reading :-)  BATH TIME WITH GOD Ok Guys, so it’s me again, here to inspire you and if not just to take up a few minutes of your time. Everyone has that special place they go where God really ministers to them and talks to them about things that are going on or the people around them. For me it’s the bath (which does freak people out). So Saturday I came home from work after having one of those days that you really just want to take out of your diary and pretend it didn’t happen in which David had come into work to ask me to write this and I had told him in the most polite way there was no hope. Anyway we all have one of those days you know the sort, bad day at work, nothings going right, your ti...

When did we break our young people?

So I've just returned from 5 days up at Glenarm Castle, which by the way is a fantastic and beautiful place which is really worth a visit. However I wasn't there for the craic or to admire the scenery I was up at Summer Madness serving on the staff team with around 200 other "nutters"as people called us. For 5 days the majority of us worked solidly, working 12 hour + days to ensure that the 3000 young people had a fantastic time and encountered God. When I say the majority of us there were a few hardcore guys who where actually working up there for two weeks, dedication. Anyway back to the reason for this blog. I left Summer Madness on Tuesday morning shattered yet feeling fulfilled. I have been asked by several  people since I came home why I do it, especially when I have to pay for the privilege and also not work for 5 days. The answer is simply I am helping with 200 other like minded individuals to provide young people with a safe place where they can feel secu...

So i'm writing a book

Well this could be interesting finally a place to put all those random thoughts that go through my head. I've sort of been thinking for a while about blogging some of my ideas feelings at stuff but never really did it until now. Anyway I've finally started writing my book that i've been talking about for ages so thought I would give you a wee snipet as my first blog and also to figure out how to use this thing. "As Christians we need get out from behind our desks, our pulpits, turn off the big multimedia presentations and flashy lights, kick out the pride and get down to the level of the broken and hurting. God is calling us to be his people, a people of Faith, a people that bring Hope to the broken and a people who Love. Not only that but a people that Love unconditionally." No doubt as I continue to write there will be more wee snipets but until then cyee!!