What If.......?

So I haven't blogged in a while and my blog has now been connected to our new website in work so people can come along and read what strange and wonderful new thoughts were coming out of my brain this week.

With that in mind I thought I really should write something then I came across this. I had bookmarked it a while back (November in fact) that's how behind I am. Obviously intending to do something with it.

So I thought for my first blog post of 2015 (which is in May and I am slightly embarrassed about that) I want to encourage you to read this and take up the challenge it presents. I would love to hear your thoughts.

What If......?

"What would your life look like if you stopped worrying about what the other guy thought? What if you decided not to spend a night drinking with your college buddies? What if you told your boss that, no, you can’t work late tonight? What if you were open about your struggles instead of trying to put on a good face? What if you kept that old beater of a car and used your money to change an orphan’s life? What if you made the choice to spend an evening with your family rather than take on one more responsibility at church? What if you trusted God instead of fearing man? 
So many unnecessary troubles and missed opportunities can be traced to the fear of man. In contrast, a life of true peace and wonderful potential is always rooted in a firm trust in God. Jesus, of course, is the perfect example. He was completely indifferent to the opinions of others, yet captivated by the Father’s will. He said things to respected religious leaders that make us cringe, yet he stopped to talk to a discarded Samaritan woman. He refused to give a miraculous sign to those who demanded it, yet he cast out a legion of demons from a man who chased everyone else away. We need a rewiring, wouldn’t you agree? Let’s ask God to make us into men with backbones — ​men who have the courage to say no and the trust to stake our reputations on Christ and his way."

I remember this really challenging me when I first read it. The idea this presents is something I believe strongly in, yet it is something I struggle with. I remember a few years ago now I would have been so radical for Christ, standing up for him and what I knew was the right way of things yet of late I have found myself going with the crowd and not being as vocal when I know God is telling me to be.

For a long time now I realised that I was changing slowly into a person that I didn't want to be. I was becoming less and less like Jesus and more and more like the person I didn't want to be. I was sitting around being comfortable not challenging people when I felt God was saying to, not speaking when I felt God was saying speak, even down to not offering to pray with some because I was worried what they would think.

After months of fighting with it I finally grew my back bone and opened up to a friend about how I was feeling about life, struggles, things that worried me, right down to the small things.

I was full of fear, I was putting my reputation on the line, what would he think of me if he knew my deepest fears and worries? But I knew in my heart God was saying do it, so I did and boy did it feel good.

It was quite interesting that for someone who spends his life encouraging young people to be open and vulnerable that when my turn came around I fought it.

After that conversation I finally realised that I needed to grow a backbone and start saying no to me, challenging others about what I felt God was saying and to start pursuing after the person of Christ that I wanted to be but most importantly the person God wanted me to be.

It's time to stop sitting silently by to please people and start putting our reputations on the line as we stand up for Christ.

Jesus was radical, so why if we are trying to be like him are we not being radical?

Maybe it's time to stop worrying about what others think, to start saying no, to have courage and to stand up for the one who created us.

So go on, find someone you trust, open up to them, share with them, challenge each other and put your reputation on the line! Then sit back and see what God can do.

I know this was quite a random rambling but I really hope it has blessed someone in even small way.

God Bless



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