
Showing posts from August, 2012

Planting Seeds that Produce Fruit that Plant Seeds

So I started writing this blog just after I came back from Summer Madness but never actually got round to writing more than the title so here goes. I've been involved in youth work now for about 10 years and over those years I have met some fantastic young people and planted many seeds, some of which I got the pleasure of watching grow and  in turn begin to plant seeds elsewhere and help others to grow just as they had. However up until recently I had always felt guilty about some of the young people in my last church who I had been working with and who were really starting to go places with God and then I left. For me I always felt like I had planted the seed but didn't hang around to help water it and watch it grow. Therefore in some respects letting them and God down. For the past few months this had been eating away at me and I was really feeling bad about walking away and leaving them and felt that I had wasted what God had called me to do with them. Don't get me...