
Showing posts from July, 2012

An Encouraging Word from back in the day

So whenever I wrote my last post I really felt I needed to find a word of encouragement I had written for the Youth Blog on our Church Website back in 2008 when I had just started out as their Youth Worker. Any way it took me a few days but I've finally found it. Happy Reading :-)  BATH TIME WITH GOD Ok Guys, so it’s me again, here to inspire you and if not just to take up a few minutes of your time. Everyone has that special place they go where God really ministers to them and talks to them about things that are going on or the people around them. For me it’s the bath (which does freak people out). So Saturday I came home from work after having one of those days that you really just want to take out of your diary and pretend it didn’t happen in which David had come into work to ask me to write this and I had told him in the most polite way there was no hope. Anyway we all have one of those days you know the sort, bad day at work, nothings going right, your ti...

When did we break our young people?

So I've just returned from 5 days up at Glenarm Castle, which by the way is a fantastic and beautiful place which is really worth a visit. However I wasn't there for the craic or to admire the scenery I was up at Summer Madness serving on the staff team with around 200 other "nutters"as people called us. For 5 days the majority of us worked solidly, working 12 hour + days to ensure that the 3000 young people had a fantastic time and encountered God. When I say the majority of us there were a few hardcore guys who where actually working up there for two weeks, dedication. Anyway back to the reason for this blog. I left Summer Madness on Tuesday morning shattered yet feeling fulfilled. I have been asked by several  people since I came home why I do it, especially when I have to pay for the privilege and also not work for 5 days. The answer is simply I am helping with 200 other like minded individuals to provide young people with a safe place where they can feel secu...