
Showing posts from October, 2020


"Light" Written for At this time of year Light is quite a big thing, or maybe more so the lack of it. The nights are getting darker sooner and the mornings are taking longer to appear. The darkness is slowly consuming the light and in some respects over powering it. We get up each day knowing that soon there will be more darkness in our daily lives than light.  However we know that in a few months time the light will make a come back and start to consume the darkness. Days will get longer and eventually there will be more light in the day than darkness. As seasons change this is our reality year in year out, yet the same can also be said for the spiritual side of our lives. With the one exception once we let the light in, it stays.  The Bible tells us in John 1:5 " The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." You see as Christians once we let Jesus into our lives, he takes up residency in our hearts, ...

Everything's Changing

"Everything's Changing" Written for Change is everywhere, it’s one of life’s certainties. Yet for many of us, change makes us feel uncomfortable, fills us with worry and what it will mean for us. For others change doesn’t bother them, they embrace it with both hands and jump straight in.   I personally find myself in the middle of these two attitudes. On one hand, I love new opportunities and exploring new ways of doing things. Yet on the other, I dislike the uncertainty and I spend hours worrying about how that may look for us. One of the biggest changes I love is to see the change God makes in the lives of each and every young person I get the pleasure of working with.   Over the last few weeks, we have experienced that late September heatwave that ushers us into the winter. Within hours it felt like we had gone from shorts and t-shirt weather to woolly hats and jumpers. I don’t know about you but this is one of those changes that c...