
Showing posts from May, 2013


Doing Life together seems to be the latest craze in churches and ministries across the world at the minute. Everywhere we go churches are talking about Doing Life, Life Groups, Life Together, Doing Life with Each other, but, is it just a phase or have churches finally grasped what Jesus is all about? Ever since I started out in ministry I was far more interested in getting down and dirty with people, serving, helping being where the action is. However I liked nothing more than chatting with the other leaders, volunteers and people God was bringing across my path and just meeting them where they were at and seeing where things went from there. As much as I understood the importance of attending meetings and doing admin being on the ground with people was were I felt happiest. I love preaching and one of my biggest regrets is I don't do it enough, however the reason I love preaching so much is the conversations afterwards. I love being able to chat with people about the message God...