Fabula Est Vestri
Fabula Est Vestri - The Story is Yours. We all have a story, every single one of us has a story to tell. The thing is that s ometimes we get more concerned with knowing what our neighbours stories and sometimes we don't really care as long as we are ok. At times we get so wrapped up in our own stories that we think no one cares or wants to help us. That we are incapable of help and that no one would really care but how we are feeling. But that's not true. For the past few weeks i've been preparing for the Christmas Season at church. Always a very busy time for anyone that works in a church with Nativity Plays, endless parties to "show up at", plus the added pressure of trying to keep the focus off the man in the big red suit and keeping it on the baby in the manger. It was when I was preparing for one of these services that God clearly spoke this message to me. It was all very strange how it happened, I recently found an old worship DVD I hadn't watched ...