
Showing posts from April, 2012

So i'm writing a book

Well this could be interesting finally a place to put all those random thoughts that go through my head. I've sort of been thinking for a while about blogging some of my ideas feelings at stuff but never really did it until now. Anyway I've finally started writing my book that i've been talking about for ages so thought I would give you a wee snipet as my first blog and also to figure out how to use this thing. "As Christians we need get out from behind our desks, our pulpits, turn off the big multimedia presentations and flashy lights, kick out the pride and get down to the level of the broken and hurting. God is calling us to be his people, a people of Faith, a people that bring Hope to the broken and a people who Love. Not only that but a people that Love unconditionally." No doubt as I continue to write there will be more wee snipets but until then cyee!!